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What are some tips for communicating with your ex-spouse?

by | Apr 7, 2021 |

After a divorce, it may seem almost impossible to communicate clearly and effectively with your ex-spouse.

However, being direct and focusing on the topics at hand can help you feel more comfortable discussing personal issues such as childcare with him or her.

Stay on topic

According to Psychology Today, toxic divorces may stem from a lack of conflict management. When both parties struggle to stay respectful around each other, it can lead to prolonged disagreements or even harassment.

Instead of accusing one another of off-topic issues, make sure to keep your focus on the matter at hand. Staying on topic helps keep you both from engaging in arguments and allows you to communicate with one another respectfully.

Keep a positive demeanor

While it may seem hard to do at times, staying positive while dealing with a complicated situation like talking with your ex-spouse can help you feel more confident. Being pulled into petty disagreements or fights can drag you down and waste time.

This positive demeanor can also come in the form of empathy for your ex-spouse’s struggles. Staying open to reasonable discussions with your ex-spouse can lead to a healthier and long-lasting relationship between you two.

Be direct about what you want

Drafting weekly childcare schedules or being clear about certain key boundaries can help you both know where you stand with one another. You could even involve a third party if neither of you feels totally comfortable discussing matters alone.

Staying clear and direct about what you need from your ex-spouse can help you to feel confident about keeping an open line of communication.