
Protecting What You Value Most

There's no need to throw everything out in the new year

by | Jan 7, 2020 |

As some Texas couples begin the new year, they might contemplate divorce or child custody filings. During those types of processes, each person will be required to remember dates and times of things that, in the middle of the tensions and stress, they might forget. A good way to remember that specific information is to keep the previous year’s calendar on hand.

An old calendar can become a helpful resource and strong evidence for parents who are getting ready to file for child custody. During the custody process, parents will need to show the child’s health history, their extracurricular and social schedules as well as other important events. The information on the calendar will help a parent provide specific information about time and place as well as which parent was present for each. This information can affect custody and support.

While it is often easy to remember the big, important expenses events and expenses, the smaller, routine ones might be forgotten. The calendar can show how many doctor’s visits a child had during the year, the amount of co-pay for each visit and recurring therapy sessions. It might also show how many birthday parties a child attended, which would help to establish how much money was spent on gifts.

The calendar can be useful to establish a child’s sports activity schedule, how long the trips for competitions were and, if there were overnight trips for those, how much was spent on hotels. These are the minute details that make up the day-to-day life of the family and that are needed in order for the court to determine amounts for custody and support.

Preparing to file for custody can be difficult. A parent might opt to speak to family law lawyer, who might help them gather evidence to support their claim, represent them during the process and advise them about how to proceed.

If you have questions, please contact Travers & Travers at 281-492-2166 to schedule an appointment to meet with an attorney who can provide further information.