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Texas divorces spike in January

by | Jan 13, 2019 |

Many unhappily married couples decide to divorce in January. In fact, the first Monday in January is often referred to as “Divorce Day” among divorce attorneys. There are many reasons for the January spike in divorces. Along with new budgets and diet and exercise routines, many people also wish to make a fresh start with their romantic life for the new year. While some unhappy couples make one last attempt at reconciliation during the holiday months, they may come to the painful realization in January that the marriage is not going to survive afterward.

However, divorce is not something anyone should rush into. Divorce lawyers often tout the benefits of first seeking couples counseling before filing for separation. It’s also important to be knowledgeable about the law and the financial impact of divorce before proceeding. If counseling is unsuccessful, parents seeking a divorce should thoroughly research the process and carefully consider the impact on their children.

Many parents may want to delay divorce until their children are adults and out of the home. However, most children are more resilient than parents realize. Children often sense that their parents are unhappy in the marriage and want relief from tension in the household.

For couples contemplating divorce, the guidance of an experienced family law attorney could be essential. Such an attorney should be both knowledgeable about the law and be able to deal with the heightened emotions that come along with divorce. With proper legal guidance, a soon-to-be ex could successfully navigate issues like child custody, property division and spousal support.