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How successful co-parenting benefits children

by | Feb 3, 2021 |

Raising a child with someone else may prove difficult even when both parents are living in the same home. Raising a child with someone who lives somewhere other than your home may prove even more difficult. However, your child may benefit tremendously from you and your ex figuring out how to do it well.

Establishing a successful co-parenting relationship with your child’s other parent after a breakup or divorce helps facilitate positive psychological growth in your son or daughter. Psychology Today reports that maintaining a strong co-parenting relationship may also help your child in the following ways.

By having positive effects on temperament

Research has shown a link between successful co-parenting and your son or daughter having a calm personality. Studies show that your child is more likely to develop an easygoing temperament when you and your ex establish and follow desirable co-parenting processes.

By encouraging your child to develop healthy relationships

Research also suggests a link between your child watching you and your ex co-parent successfully and your child being able to do the same for his or her own offspring sometime down the line.

By enhancing your child’s decision-making abilities

Having parents who maintain a successful co-parenting relationship may also have a positive influence on a child’s decision-making capabilities. Research shows that kids who have parents that work well together after a split are more inclined to make moral decisions than their peers whose parents have acrimonious relationships.

Just as you and your ex have control over whether your child grows up in a happy, stable home, you also have control over the type of relationship you maintain after parting ways.