
Protecting What You Value Most

Navigating A High Net Worth Divorce

Financial success during a marriage can often become a difficult problem during a divorce. Parties with significant assets must be especially attuned to valuation and characterization of assets. The lawyers at Travers & Travers will work with you and your financial professionals to identify and valuate marital assets.

Disparity in earnings and contributions to the marital estate are often in dispute when ending a marriage. Whether you are the spouse with the higher or the lower income, it is important to have a divorce attorney who can help you understand the complexities of pensions, retirement accounts, employment benefit plans, stock options, intellectual property, partnerships and business interests. Dividing marital assets and protecting separate property is often complex. We are experienced with handling high net worth divorces and in presenting those facts to the court.

Contact Your Katy Family Law Firm

Our family of attorneys is ready to help your family with your high-asset divorce.. Please call our office at 281-492-2166 to make an appointment or use our online form.